Understanding the Publishing Process: Behind the Scenes with IEEE

Understanding the Publishing Process: Behind the Scenes with IEEE

Location Engineering Library
Time -

Identifying where to publish your research can be a daunting task. Should you write a conference paper, a journal article or both? What is peer review, an ORCID ID, a predatory journal and other publication jargon? In this session, IEEE Client Services Manager Brian Ryckman, will provide insights into publishing with IEEE, including:

·       Tips for selecting an appropriate periodical or conference to submit your manuscript

·       How successful authors structure quality work to improve their chances of being accepted

·       Insights into what editors look for in a submission and why editors and reviewers reject papers

·       Strategies for increasing the visibility of your research

·       Tools & resources to help authors through the publishing process at IEEE, including the IEEE Author Center and IEEE Xplore

·       Q&A session

Pizza lunch will be provided.