Study Space

Group Study

The Engineering & Computer Science Library has large open tables on the main floor of the library for individual or group study. Various lounge seating is also available.

Bookable Study Rooms

There are 4 study rooms that are available for reservation: Room A, Room B, Room C and Room D. Each room is equipped with a monitor and HDMI cable. Room D also has teleconferencing equipment. For more information about room booking procedures and policies, please see Reserve a Study Room.

Individual Study

Individual study carrels with lighting and built-in power outlets are available for quiet individual study. Lounge chairs are also available.

Quiet Study Area

The 2nd floor serials/journals room on the south end is the designated quiet study area, where noise should be kept to a minimum.

Computer Workstations

28 Workstations, including 4 Design Space stations are on the main floor of the library. There are 2 Workstations available on the upper floor. For a realtime list of available workstations, please see the InfoCommons website